Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea and NKW Group

Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea

Women working in agriculture usually cannot access the finance they need to invest in productivity
improvements for their businesses as they do not own traditional collateral, such as land or buildings, that
banks require for loans.

ADB’s Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative is working with Women’s Micro Bank (known as
Mamabank) and produce wholesaler NKW Fresh Produce to develop innovative, commercially-su
stainable lending products for women farmers.

These loans – which use the women’s supply contracts with NKW Fresh as collateral – will be used to
purchase tools and machinery that will increase productivity and thereby raise incomes.

The Government of Australia has been working to improve private sector opportunities and outcomes in
PNG through its support for Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative since 2007. Its partnership with
the initiative was recently renewed and is now set to continue until 2024.
